
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUS 368 Sports Management Final Project Create Your Own Team/Sports Organization Your final assessment/Project is

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUS 368 Sports Management Final Project Create Your Own Team/Sports Organization Your final assessment/Project is

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUS 368 Sports Management Final Project Create Your Own Team/Sports Organization Your final assessment/Project is a cumulation of the entire course, semester, and all the previous courses you have taken. You are to submit the following. A presentation of your organization to the class will take place. You are to create your own team or related sports organization in any current internationally recognized league or sports industry. You are to use your imagination. Imagination based on research, fact and the items discussed in this course. Have fun with this assignment. It could be the new “Buffalo Yankees” or that Buffalo now will be the new international Olympic headquarters, as examples. Required Elements to be discussed: Overview What will be the management principles applied? What are the marketing principles and techniques that will be used? Who is the organization being marketed to? What are the financial and economic principles being used? (A budget is not necessary, yet there does have to be a financial upside for your organization to exist.) What are the legal issues? Are there any ethical issues? What will be the targeted demographic? High School/Youth Sport/Collegiate/International Sport. Professional Sport, Management assignment help. etc. Will a sports agency be used? What will the necessary facilities be? Event space? Potential sales/sponsorships/other revenue generating items? Expectations: Seven – ten pages, not including a cover sheet or citations, MLA or APA. Proper professional work To go beyond the example questions being asked above. Base your response on the items discussed in the class to this point and your own research.

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You are currently employed by the Government of Ontario and your job is to promote this Province to International investors to bring jobs and money to Ontario. Recently Ontario has, specifically in the GTA (greater Toronto Area), grown significantly in the Information Technology sector and over the years real estate has also grown. To show the investors you understand Ontario you need to do some background research. The chart provided is part of Ontario’s growth with employment and population projections. Part of the research in this marketing assignment help involves the following:

Choose a region in the GTA and calculate the      indexes of growth for 2021-2041 with base year 2016. Complete this for Population and employment (Complete      this by hand writing the calculations). 


Choose a different region and calculate the      percent changes for 2021- 2041 for Population and Employment with base      year 2016. (Complete this by      hand writing the calculations)


Select GTAH total and make a scatter plot      with the use of Excel/Sheets. Copy the table to Desmos and create a      regression analysis. Make a line of best fit, State the slope,      y-intercept, equation and r values. (Print screen and paste your results      in the assignment). 

Is there a strong relationship       between the two variables? Explain?
What trends do you notice (write 250 words)?
Can this information be used attract investors? How       would you use this data to promote the GTA and Hamilton?

Line of Best fit Equation _____________________
Slope  ____________________
Y-intercept _______________
R value ______________

Would it be effective to create a survey for the investors? What      kind of survey would your create? What are ways in which you can make the      survey effective. Make an effective survey containing 5 questions with a      variety of methods (True/false, Multiple choice, open ended etc.) 
Given that your project was a success and you manage to secure a      few of this international companies what would the year 2031 employment      for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) look like with a 20% increased      projection of employment. How many more jobs did you create? How many jobs      are there now in total for 2031? 
Conduct research to determine      how data management is used in other careers. 

– List three additional careers that require knowledge and use of data management.

How would another province like      British Columbia use this to increase their employment and job prospects. 

Knowledge   & Understanding
All of the calculations are clearly and properly stated   based on the 2016 base year
● 1 mark   per question, ref: 
Each question has a solution with the   correct answer
● 1 mark   per solution
Calculating a 20% increase with 
● Calculations   clearly stated 4 marks 
o Increase in jobs 2 mark
o Total jobs 2 mark
Scatter plot
● 1 mark   for slope of line
● 1 mark   for y intercept
● 1 mark   for r value
● 1 mark   for equation
Relationship of variable
● R value   discussed 1 mark
● Explanation   of r value and where it falls in strength 2 marks
Trends Stated and properly explained
● Stated a   max value 1 mark
● Stated a   min value 1 mark
● Explained   what is happening over time (increase/decrease) 2 marks
● Extrapolating   future numbers 1 mark
Survey Made and properly explained   based on lessons from the unit. 
● Effective   survey strategy 2 marks per question
● Effective   Multiple choice question in survey 1 mark
● Effective   True/false question in survey 1 mark
● Effective   Multiple choice or True/false 1 mark
● Effective   Multiple choice or True/false 1 mark
● Effective   Open ended question 1 mark
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The worksheet with solutions is   visually appealing and easy to follow, illustrations are included
● -0.5   marks per mistake
Title page is included

Thinking   & Inquiry
How Data management is used in other careers   properly explained 
● Career 1 -2 marks
● Career 2 -2 marks
● Career 3 – 2 marks
Use of this information and how it applies to   other provinces elaborated
● Thesis/argument- 1 mark
● Example 1 – 2 marks
● Example 2 – 2 marks
● Conclusion – 1 mark
□□  □□  □□
□  □□  □□  □
Cover Page
Follow the style prescribed by the style manual suggested by the university, department or adviser.
Title – Should contain key words or phrases to give a clear and concise description of the scope and nature of the report, and key words should allow bibliographers to index the study in proper categories (Van Dalen, 1979:406).
– Indicate major variables
– Indicate nature of research
* descriptive
* correlational
* experimental
– Indicate target population
– Avoid words like:
“A Study of……..”
“An Investigation of ……..”
“A Survey of ……..”
– Example dissertation title:
“A Process for Determining Vocational Competencies for the Performance of Essential Activities for the Sales Function by Sales Personnel in the Feed Industry and the Loci in Which the Competencies Could Be Taught.”
Journal article title for the above:
“What Does It Take To Sell Feed?”
Background and Setting
– Provide reader with necessary background and setting to put the problem in proper context.
– Lets the reader see the basis for the study.
– Justifies and convinces the reader that the study is needed.
– Be factual–statements, opinions and points of view should be documented.
– Provide a logical lead-in to a clear and concise statement of the problem.
– Your “sales pitch.”
– In a proposal for funding, address capabilities and capacity of individuals and agency/institution in this section.
Statement of the Problem: Hypothesis
Characteristics of properly stated problems will be discussed; see notes. Clearly describe the problem to be researched. What is your centralized question to study?
Objectives of the Study
– Best located after the statement of the problem in descriptive research
– Indicates the data to be collected
– Make clear the direct connection between specific objectives and hypotheses and related literature and theory
– Controversial as to whether or not null hypotheses go here or in Chapter 4. Rely upon wishes of adviser and committee, if a thesis or dissertation.
– If a study is descriptive, objectives or research questions can be used here.
– If the study is ex post facto or experimental, hypotheses must be used.
Limitations of the Study
– Summarize limitations brought about by the procedures of the study
– Describe the procedural limitations in detail in the appropriate section; just summarize here
Significance of the Problem
– These arguments can be presented in the “Background and Setting” section. This does not need to be a special section at
– Knowledge relating to the theory that …….
– New products, e.g., instrument, instructional material, etc.
– Who (what individuals or groups) can use this new knowledge or information yielded by the research to change or improve the present situation? How will the study contribute to the improvement of the profession?
– Indicate how the results can be generalized beyond the bounds of study
– Can use the arguments of others (expert opinion) who call for an investigation of the problem (properly documented, of course).
– Can use conflict in findings of related research as justification for the study. Be sure it is documented in Review of Literature.
– Use if, then (hypothetical-deductive) logic
Research Design: Graphs
Describe the type of research to be conducted, i.e., survey, ex post facto, quasi-experimental, etc. This section is utilized to describe how you will set up your study to observe the hypothesized relationship. Describe the steps you will take to address the hypotheses in operational terms.
Describe what intervening variables might affect the dependent variable(s) other than the independent variable, i.e.:
– Analyze the internal validity of the study (discussed later in the course)
– Also, discuss threats to external validity (discussed later in the course)
– Describe how your study will measure or control these threats given the “Limitations of the Study.”
The description of the design for descriptive studies is generally easy to describe, while the validity is not. Describe non-respondent follow-up procedures and procedures to compare respondents with non-respondents.
A study may involve more than one purpose. Clearly indicate which design is to address each objective.
The description of the research design for correlational or ex post facto research is easy to describe, but particular attention must be directed to alternative or rival explanations (intervening variables).
The research design for experimental and quasi-experimental research is often quoted directly from Campbell and Stanley (or others) and analyzed by their threats to validity.
What experimental controls were utilized?
Schematic (graphic) diagrams often aid in understanding the design. Define the symbols you use.
Outcome Measures
Measurement of the dependent variable(s) is one key to your study. Instruments are operational definitive for variables. Techniques or instruments used to measure the dependent variable(s), outcome, must be carefully described in terms of:
1. Validity – Does the instrument or technique measure what it purports to measure with this group?
2. Reliability – Whatever the instrument or technique measures does it do so consistently with this group?
3. Suitability – Utility must be high for subjects to whom administered.
If well-known instruments are used, one can generally briefly describe them, and their reliability and validity, and refer the reader through citation to references where more thorough detailed discussions can be found.
If the researcher is developing the instrumentation, then validity and reliability must be established. The instrument should be pilot and/or field tested.  The researcher should describe how this was done. A field test can locate potential suitability problem areas. Appendix copies of the instruments to the proposal.
The Review of Literature can be utilized to verify the concepts/theory under study and the scope of the measurement methods to assess the concepts. This section should establish the operational link between these concepts/theory and the measurement.
If you use interviewers or observers, how were they trained? What were their inter-rater and intra-rater reliabilities?
What do you expect? Why?
Make sure to list your sources 
IS-611 Information Systems: Strategy and Policy Computer Science Assignment Help
Suppose there is an organization (Spurious Inc.) in Riyadh that specializes in the development of IT projects. It has around 200 IT related regular employees. 
For this organization, write a Strategy and Policy report on the topic (Cloud Computing).
· do not forget to mention all references that you have considered at the end of your report. Failure in doing so means Plagiarism which means (ZERO)
· In a 8-9-page project, not including the cover and reference pages

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