Discuss the factors that account for discrepancies between who uses illegal drugs
Discuss the factors that account for discrepancies between who uses illegal drugs
Create a public information product of your choice that is based on data related to a diversity issue and is at least 1,500 words long.
Using research and the provided data( see attachment) , support and communicate the position of a special interest group by creating a public information product. The final product should convey the central tenet that U.S. criminal justice policies and practices disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minorities. Choose from one of the following public information pieces:
-Information booklet targeted to the general public.
-Position paper or brief targeted at state or federal legislators.
-Mock Web page (or pages) or blog.
-Public service announcement (a script for a radio or television program).
-PowerPoint presentation targeted to a specific audience, with a description of the audience and detailed speaker’s notes.
-A script for a speech to be given at a national meeting of practitioners who work in the criminal justice system.
Note: Be sure to reference—include the citations on a separate reference sheet—specific data from the tables, charts, and graphs from the sources listed above to illustrate your points. Make sure to identify the titles of those that you cite; for example, “Ever Used Heroin by Race” is the title of the table and graph produced when you followed the initial steps above.
The final, professional-quality product should accomplish the following:
-Convey the causes and consequences of the problem of institutional discrimination in the criminal justice system.
-Use formatting and design principles that are appropriate for your chosen product.
-Include graphics—such as photos, charts, graphs, and figures—to enhance the presentation when appropriate.
-Be supported by data and scholarly research.
-Describe differences in illegal drug use based on race and ethnicity, and explain the factors that account for discrepancies between who uses illegal drugs and who is most likely to be arrested for drug abuse violations.
-Keep in mind that to be accurate in your assessment, you will need to not just look at raw data and percentages but also consider the data in relation to each racial or ethnic group’s percentage within the overall U.S. population.
-Discuss the extent to which drug policies or law-enforcement strategies have contributed to racial and ethnic disparities in drug use arrest rates.
-Consider any historical or contemporary influences that may have contributed the disparities you have identified.
-Share your assessment of the impact these disparities, along with institutional discrimination within the justice system more broadly, have had on minorities and minority communities.
-Present at least two potential solutions or strategies to combat the problems identified in your analysis.
-These can be community-based, legislative (at the state or federal level), or law-enforcement strategies.
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