
Discuss these studies in greater detail, explaining the methodology the authors used in their study that supports non violent drugs offenders.

Discuss these studies in greater detail, explaining the methodology the authors used in their study that supports non violent drugs offenders.

No running headers, and no page numbers yet. Left margin 1.5 inch. All other margins 1 inch. This chapter is the findings and results chapter. This should include a presentation and analysis of the data. Carry over to Chapter 3 the 3 to 4 studies that you identified at the end of Chapter 2. Discuss these studies in greater detail, explaining the methodology the authors used in their study that supports your hypothesis. Tables, charts, graphs should be cited and referenced in Chapter 3. At the end of Chapter 3, you should summarize the findings of the 3 to 4 studies and explain how the findings of these studies support the hypothesis and research questions. I will upload Chapter 1 and then Chapter 2 which you just completed.


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