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My course is Ethics of Healthcare – Master of Health Administration.

a. Directly posting their own responses as answers to the questions below. Write in no more than 600 words but no less than 500 words.

1. In your reading on the 40 ways to make a baby, who or what do you think should be the center of concern regarding the implementation of reproductive technology law?

2. It is uncontroversial to say that because we can develop technology, it does not mean that we have a mandate to use it. One good example is the use of atomic bomb. We should know how to use technology ethically or in some cases not to use it at all. The case is the same in the use of medical technology. However, to find which technology and what use is ethically permissible or not is to find out about the ethical criteria that judge what is permissible or not. The ethical criteria must be found in moral principles, that is, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and autonomy, and justice. In the issue of life sciences which we are discussing in this module, what moral principle(s) are involved in the debate as the most relevant ethical criteria and why?

3. Describe what you feel the status of embryos will be as the 21st century continues. What do you think about the status of an embryo, not a fetus? Is the embryo a human person or not? if you believe that an embryo is a human person, what is your reason for that? And what circumstances or cases as exceptions ethically allow the embryo to be killed, like the case of killing in self-defense? But if you believe that an embryo is not a human person, it is not a murder but simply removing a body tissue. But what justifies your view?

b. Reply to at least one classmate in no more than 200 words but no less than 150 words.Reply to my classmate Discussion:

My classmate Discussion:

  1. Technology in healthcare has been on a continuum of reform and advancements in drugs, medical administration and treatments. Due to technological innovations, this has influenced and forced the way providers approach their patients. As technology continues to advance, it is critical that expansive research to be done to ensure the new developments in which would be in the best interest of the patients, community and the public. All providers must ensure they are compliant with the basic principles of medical ethics, moral and laws when treating patients.
  2. The utilization of science and technology information in healthcare and medicine lead to advancing the healthcare delivery systems. Each day in various parts of the world, scientists and medical professionals work together to create ways to cure illness, reduce mortality and reduce suffering and make sure how to instill a proactive environment to prevent diseases. Unfortunately, what comes with these discoveries and potential advancements come a great deal of responsibility that falls on the individuals that have been involved in the development of these technologies. Providers have a responsibility that is unimaginable in addition to accountability when treating and advising their patients, in while utilizing the latest technologies to the best of their knowledge. In many cases it is an obvious choice between the need to pick neutral processes when decision making versus the process that is unavoidable. Scientists take their jobs to the next level to go above and beyond of the technology already developed to find new groundbreaking research with trials and make it a reality. But the point should highlight that healthcare professionals, especially providers are not the ones implementing and establishing the standards for the technologies that may or may not be as ethically sound just because it is there.
  3. The future of various embryo issues has established ethical and moral controversy due to the ever changing technologies and what they can do to the embryo such as gene editing. Gene editing has been established to avoid an infant being born with a genetic disorder making it risky for both the child’s life and mothers. It has been proven that this procedure is not necessary due to practices using implementation genetic diagnosis used within IVF. With IVF genetic profiling of embryos are analyzed before implantation, to avoid implanting embryos effected by different types of diseases. There are other solutions to come up with a healthy embryo with less risk. The risk of heritable and unpredictable genetic variants out-weigh the possible benefits of genetic gene editing. With the use of gene editing, it could possibly be a physician’s duty to non-maleficence with other ethical concerns are that of justice. Being that this treatment being accessible and administered equally. The technology involved is expensive making it only accessible to those being able to afford IVF, exposing an unfair advantage for future generations bringing up the idea of the possibility of avoiding these genetic disorders and being proactive. There has been the concern that might misrepresent these ideas considering that it may be a matter of opinion-based decision making versus the subjectivity of the situation. Many have voiced their fears of how far these enhancements can go to create genetically modified babies with a personalized genome which include their physical appearance, IQ and their special abilities, in which would establish a large gap in the disadvantages to those who do not have the fortune to be able to save their baby from a specific illness when they feel the need to.

The post discussion-5-1-ethics-1 first appeared on Term Paper Tutors.

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