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Discussion on Gun Accountability.

Discussion on Gun Accountability.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Gun Accountability. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. As such, it is the author’s hope that the reader will gain a more nuanced and complete understanding of the main arguments for further gun control by an analysis of the following 4 arguments: the Second Amendment does not, nor did it ever, provide for individual gun rights, the high rate of gun related violence and death, as well as the societal needs for reasonable gun control laws, and whether further testing should be put in place for those individuals that have a propensity to instability. Finally, an examination of an even more vehement argument with regard to gun control will be entertained and discussed.
The first and perhaps most contentious of the issues that this analysis will seek to discuss, is the issue of whether the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution sought to convey individual gun rights to the citizen. Although the law has long been interpreted to mean just this, the fact of the matter is that when one reads the Second Amendment from a literalist perspective, it is quite clear that the Second Amendment is speaking to the needs of the states and individual regions of the newly formed United States to form a militia as a means of protecting the Republic. In such a way, the Second Amendment can and should be interpreted as little more than admission from the Federal government that it promises not to infringe upon the rights of the militias (National Guard and Army Reserves) to maintain a stock of weaponry for the purpose of defence and securing the borders of the new nation. This particular argument hinges upon interpretation of the Constitution. one of the most contested documents within the political spectrum.&nbsp. However, from a rhetorically honest standpoint, the text of the bill specifies specifically what it denotes. i.e. the right of the states and by extension the militias under their control to retain weapons.
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