
Early American History Written Response

Early American History Written Response

I’m studying for my History class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

I need an A!

WebQuest Choice

Pick a topic that interests you for Internet research WebQuest.

It must be a topic covered in our class. Scroll down to view the 2 pages of this assignment

Here are topics you can use on your “Adventure” : Pick one.

Columbus, Powhatan Indians, Pocahontas, Roanoke, the area of Spanish Florida, Narragansett

Indians, Pequot Indians, King Philip, Anne Hutchinson, John Smith, William Bradford, Squanto,

Middle Grounds, Quakers, colonial newspapers, midwives,

Bacon’s Rebellion, Benjamin Franklin, Middle Passage, Triangular Trade, Iroquois

confederation, Wampanoag Indians, chartered companies, Roanoke, James Oglethorpe,

Massachusetts Bay Colony, dissenters from Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Southwest

borderlands (pp. 58-60 text), colonial medicine, Puritan Family, Eliza Lucas Pinckney,

Stono Rebellion, Witchcraft in Salem (late 17


century), Great Awakening, Dame Schools

,growth of colonial government, French and Indian War, William Pitt, Washington during the

French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Sons of Liberty ,

Daughters of Liberty, Stamp Act Congress, Townshend Acts, Coercive Acts, Tea Act and tea

parties, Currency Act, Samuel Adams, colonial taverns, colonial almanacs, Paul Revere, Boston

Massacre and Crispus Attucks, Pontiac’s Rebellion, First Continental Congress, Lexington and

Concord, Patrick Henry, John Hancock

Or you can pick a topic from the vocabulary


1) Use websites that are not encyclopedias or online texts.

Ideas of websites are LOC (Library of Congress) University websites, National Park

Service, museum websites.

You can pick websites from the Resources of our Canvas classroom. You will know

that they have been screened by me for accurate content.

Use websites directly through the Internet instead of the library portal

2) Use 3 websites and cite the information that you use from each website. Demonstrate

that you have used 3 websites by using examples from each one

3) Cite the full URL of the website page you used in the body of your paper. If you use

pages off the main website cite them as well when you direct quote. For example,

this is a main page of a website

This is a page off the main page


4) Single space

5) Only use a heading (one line) and your complete name on your paper

6) Upload it as a file in Canvas. Use only .doc,.docx, pdf, or txt.

7) Paper should be 750 words maximum and 400 words minimum

8) Do not repeat the questions

9) Write the information in your own words.

10) Direct quotations should be 1.5 sentences or less.

11) Put the word count at the end of your paper like this (456)

12) Focus on the period of Chapters 1-4. For example, if you picked John Adams describe

his role in Massachusetts up

until 1776.


Use a variety of examples from the websites you visit. Use different examples as a

response to each question on page 2.

Turn to page 2.

Questions to answer:

1. Discuss your topic in detail.

Spend the most time on your response to this question

Use specific examples and detail from each website to back your generalizations.

Use different examples from each website in your response to each question.

2) Why were you interested in your topic? What attracted you to it?

3) What surprised you the most as you researched this topic?

4) How did learning about the topic increase your understanding of the colonial period

(before 1776). Give at least two illustrations.

5) What did you learn that can or did help you understand our nation today? Were there any

lessons or perspectives that you gained? Did your perceptive change?

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