Finance online program – Lion Essays
Finance online program
Personal Finance
Class: FIN 2100EX3 CRN 20645
Spring 2019
Feb. 11th, – Apr. 28th, 2019
Course Id for My-Finance-Lab:
Instructor Prof. Deymond Hoyte BSEE, MBA (Finance)
Contact Information
Phone: (407) 582-2118
Please use Blackboard email for all class communication.
Office: Bld 8: RM253
Office Hours:
Posted on Canvas
Please email or call [(516) 669-3323] for an appointment or help by phone during office hours.
Classes begin Aug 27th,
Drop/ Refund/ No Show Deadline 11:59 P.M. Jan. 18th,
Withdrawal deadline for W grade is 11:59 P.M. Apr. 05th,
Classes end Ape. 21st, Final exam: Apr. 22 –28th,. For final exam date and time –see final exam schedule at
See College calendar for important dates at Credit Classes Do Not Meet: No Classes: Mon. Jan. 21 (MLK Day), Fri. Feb. 15 (Learning Day), Mar. 11-17 (Spring Break)
Textbook: Personal Finance … Turning Money into Wealth 8th, Edition by Arthur J. Keown
Catalog Course Description:
INTRODUCTION TO PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING, including personal financial management, taxes, risk management, investments, retirement planning and estate planning.
Any student who does not attend class by the No Show/drop/refund deadline for this course’s part of term will be withdrawn by the instructor as a no-show. This will count as an attempt in the class, and students will be liable for tuition. If your plans have changed and you will not be attending this class, please withdraw yourself through your Atlas account during the drop period for this part of term.
Your completion of the first online assignment counts as an attempt in the class and you will be liable for tuition.
Withdrawal and Attendance
WITHDRAWAL Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W. A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. See Important Dates for the Withdrawal Deadline for the part of term of this course. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F”. For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 6Hx28:4-07, please go to: .
NOTE: Before choosing to withdraw, students should speak first with your professor regarding your progress in the course and with an Academic Advisor to discuss the impact of the W on your academic progress, future fees, and financial aid.
The Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center (ASC, 407-582-2540) located 1st floor, Building 4 provides flexible and successful learning support in nearly every academic discipline. The learning labs, workshops, testing center, and individualized tutoring sessions are designed to cater to every level of student development and language capability. More information can be found at
Grading System
- Chapter Quiz 60%
- Financial News Review & Worksheets ——————— 20%
A 90-100 - Final Written Exam (Required) 20% B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
Students will receive grades earned base on the above rubric as a final grade.
Note – all late assignments will be accepted if its date is within one week of the due date.
Your final grade for the class is based on the above assessment rubric. For example;
· If you fail to take the final exam or final exam paper you will lose 20%.
· If you complete only 50% of the assignments (Financial News/Worksheets) you will lose 10%.
ATTENDANCE: I do not withdraw students for non-attendance.
*Make-up work There will be no make-up work for (assignments, quizzes or exams). For student emergencies, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor and provide documentation within one week unless special arrangements have been made previously.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Each student is required to follow Valencia policy regarding academic honesty. All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research, and self-expression unless the assignment specifically states, “group project.” Any act of academic dishonesty will be handled in accordance with Valencia policy as set forth in the Student Handbook and Catalog.
COLLEGE POLICIES: A full description of all College policies can be found in the College Catalog at ; Policy Manual at ; and the Student Handbook at
OFFICE OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES INFORMATION: Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a Notification to Instructor (NTI) form from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities.
East Campus Bldg. 5, Rm. 216 Ph: 407-582-2229 Fax: 407-582-8908 TTY: 407-582-1222
West Campus SSB, Rm. 102 Ph: 407-582-1523 Fax: 407-582-1326 TTY: 407-582-1222
Osceola Campus Bldg. 1, Rm. 140A Ph: 407-582-4167 Fax: 407-582-4804 TTY: 407-582-1222
Winter Park Campus Bldg. 1, Rm. 212 Ph: 407-582-6887 Fax: 407-582-6841 TTY: 407-582-1222
Course Outcomes On course completion, students will be able to:
The ten principles of Personal Finance Success.
· The best protection is your knowledge.
· Nothing happens without a plan.
· The time value of money.
· Taxes affect personal finance decisions.
· Stuff happens, or the importance of liquidity.
· Waste Not, Want Not…Smart spending Matters
· Protect yourself against major catastrophes.
· Risk and returns go Hand in Hand.
· Mind games and your money.
· Just do it!
Valencia ID cards
Valencia ID cards are required for use of facilities such as Library or Testing Center. For all East Campus testing center requirements, go to
Disclaimer Statement
This outline may be altered, at the instructor’s discretion, during the course of the term. It is the responsibility of the student to make any adjustments as announced.
STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Valencia College is interested in making sure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all Valencia students and available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 878-5470. Free face-to-face counseling is also available.
Weekly Activities & Assignments
Important!!! Important!!! Important!!! Please note that your weekly assignment submission (one “Finance in the New “and one Case studies”) will account for your attendance. Please submit your work by the due date.
Weekly Topic
First assignment; Please write a short essay (1 page) explaining why the Study of Personal Finance is important to you. This short essay (I page) will validate that you are committed to the completion of this class. Your first week assignment will count as an attempt in the class, and you will be liable for tuition. Please post your essay to the online assignment drop box (Canvas) by Sunday 02/18/2019 at Midnight.
Chapter #1
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study; submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due date 02/25 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any two “Finance in the News” topics. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #1 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 02/18 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #2
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 02/25 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #2 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 02/25 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #3
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 03/04 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #3 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 02/25 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #4
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 03/04 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #4 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 03/04 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #5
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 3/11 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #5 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 03/11 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #6
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 3/11 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #6 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 3/11 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #7
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.”
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 3/18 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
Complete Chapter #7 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 3/18 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #8
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in
canvas by due 03/18 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #8 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 3/18 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #9
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 3/25 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #9 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 3/25 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #10
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 04/01 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #10 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 4/01 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #11
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 4/01 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #10 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 4/01 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #12
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 4/08 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #10 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 4/08 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #13
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 4/08 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #10 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 04/08 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Chapter #14 (Extra Credit)
Use the Study Plan and Sample Test & Quizzes in “My-Finance-Lab “before taking your Chapter quiz.
· Click on the “News tab” in read; ; complete one Finance Weekly News Updates Topics and complete one Case Study and submit it to the Dropbox in Canvas by due 4/15 by midnight. Note you are free to pick any “Finance in the News” topics.
(Please use Canvas Assignment Dropbox)
· Complete Chapter #10 quiz in My- Finance-Lab by the due date 4/15 (login to My-Financial-Lab for the quiz) @ midnight.
Final paper due 4/22/2019 @ 11:59PM ( See Announcements)
· Note… this Syllabus is subject to change by the professor at any time. Students will be notified at the time of change.
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