Disease Research
Based on the readings you have completed in this course (along with your own general knowledge), select any disease that is currently receiving a lot of attention either nationally or globally. Once you make your selection, find three (3) sources of information pertaining to that particular disease. The information you find can be related to treatments, diagnoses, or even the disease itself. The point of this discussion is to conduct research on your chosen disease and briefly explain it to your online community members.
Your discussion this week will count as four (4) points:
- Two (2) points for Content – Your initial discussion post must provide a detailed explanation about a current disease, as instructed above.
- One (1) point each for Context – You must incorporate at least one (1) APA in-text citation and at least one (1) reference for this discussion.
At least one of your sources must be a journal article from the SPC online library.
Please visit APA Purdue Owl, as it can assist you with using APA in-text citations and references in the proper format like your 2017-2018 Health Sciences Style Guide: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.
- Your original post of 100-125 words is due by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time), EVERY Thursday.
- One peer reply of at least 75 words is due by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time), EVERY Sunday.
- Before posting, check for spelling and grammatical errors; If I cannot evaluate your content, you will not receive points.
- No quotes are permitted in this course; use of quotes will result in loss of points.
- Plagiarism is not tolerated. If you are unsure if you have plagiarized or need help with your paraphrasing please see Learning Resources or NIP at HEC
- You must cite any sources you use to support your work. APA format is used in health-related courses and professions. The SPC online library has a guide to assist you with your use of citations and referencing.
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