
Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health case study and need an explanation

Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health case study and need an explanation

Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.The purpose of this assignment is to provide CHP with background information, a research approach, and a set of questions to be asked in a focus group/listening session with communities that have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in Santa Clara County.CHP will then conduct a study, hopefully using what we provide them, that aims to engage communities to learn from members of these communities (1) about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) what should be done to support recovery from the pandemic, and (3) how communities can be involved in the recovery process.TOPIC: Paramedics and First RespondersOUTLINE OF THE DELIVERABLE:SECTION 1: BACKGROUNDIn this section, you should summarize what is known about the subset of the community that you are focusing on. You can draw on several types of data for this section, including national level reports, news articles, local press, and scientific articles. If your topic is a population like “farmworkers,” you can draw on research on farmworkers outside of Santa Clara County, news articles from the Mercury News or other local papers about the situation during the pandemic for farmworkers, etc. If your population is “Spanish speaking residents in Mayfair,” you can similarly draw on information about Spanish-speaking populations elsewhere, as long as you think the observations or concerns are relevant.This should be written in a tight, summary form, with references on each claim. For a good example of this type of writing on the impacts of COVID-19 on a population, see this article on COVID-19 and people experiencing homelessness (Links to an external site.).Weight = 25%ExcellentGoodDevelopingUnsatisfactoryDescriptionSummarizes the impacts of COVID-19 on the selected population; accurately cites at least 5 sources of different types (e.g. scientific paper, news article, NGO report)Describes some of the impacts of COVID-19 on the selected population; cites at least 5 sources but with inaccuracies in citing or not a range of source typesIdentifies some of the impacts of COVID-19 but not necessarily connected to the specified population; cites at least 3 sources, with some inaccuracies in citing or not a range of source typesDoes not make a clear connection between the background information and the selected population; sources not selected with care and/or improperly citedSECTION 2: APPROACH AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONSIn this section, discuss the general approach you recommend taking to engage the selected population. You can describe this in paragraph or bullet point form. In this section, consider the following points:Do you recommend working through or with a specific organization (for options, see Canvas > Files > CHP Project > COVID 19 Recovery Outreach and Community Leaders Invite.xlsx and/or you can do additional research and/or draw on your existing knowledge)?How many interactions you would recommend the researcher or research team engage in with the selected population (e.g. is this a one-off focus group or listening session, or do you recommend a series of meetings with members of the population?)?What is the quality of relationship that you would recommend the researcher or research team seek to foster or build on with the selected population?What other ethical considerations do you want to recommend the research team consider as they engage with the selected population (e.g. do you want to recommend something about the type of space that a focus group occurs in; note that childcare or a meal should be provided to facilitate engagement; or specify the makeup of the focus group or types of questions that get asked in a focus group vs. in a follow up modality like a survey)?Weight = 25%ExcellentGoodDevelopingUnsatisfactoryDescriptionProvides detailed, specific, and well-reasoned recommendations for the approach to engaging with the selected populationProvides some recommendations, but not all are fully explained or supported or may not be clearly tied to the selected populationProvides only basic recommendations that are not specific to the selected populationMisses important ethical considerations or does not provide recommendations that match the expected experiences of the selected populationSECTION 3: FOCUS GROUP / LISTENING SESSION / INTERVIEW QUESTIONSIn this section, create the focus group, listening session, or interview guide. The choice of whether to call the questions focus group, listening session, or interview is based on the population you selected and the CHP COVID-19 Community-Driven Recovery Solutions Workplan (available in Canvas > Files > CHP Project > COVID-19 Community-Driven Recovery Solutions – Questionnaire Work Plan).Focus group and listening session guides should be structured similarly to an interview guide. Both should have a set of primary questions and under each question, an optional set of follow-up questions that are aimed to elicit more explanation. The guide should include between 7 – 15 main questions with 1 – 3 follow-up questions for each main question.Things to keep in mind:For focus groups and listening sessions, participants will be asked to respond to questions in front of other people. You should ask questions that allow people to offer different answers and engage in conversation with each other. For example, “Can you tell me how the pandemic impacted your childcare situation?” allows people to reflect on their own experiences and there can be room for people to have had different types of experiences. Whereas a question like, “Did the pandemic make access to childcare worse?” might make it hard to get a range of experiences.For all types of engagements, consider the tone of the question, how to ensure that there isn’t judgment implied in the question and that the question itself is meaningfully connected to the objectives of the research and/or to building rapport.Weight = 50%ExcellentGoodDevelopingUnsatisfactoryDescriptionIncludes 7 – 15 main questions with thoughtful follow ups; each question serves to build rapport and/or address the impacts of COVID-19, thoughts on community recovery, and/or how respondents think the community can be involved in the recovery process; order of questions flows nicely; questions are appropriate to the research methodIncludes 7 – 15 main questions with follow ups; some questions are not connected to the specific objectives of the research or the order is not fully logical; some questions may not be appropriate for the research methodIncludes 7 – 15 main questions with some follow ups; several questions do not flow logically or are not tied to the research objectives; several questions are inappropriate for the research methodIncludes an insufficient number of questions to answer the research objectives; questions are inappropriate for the research method and/or do not have a logical flowSECTION 4: JUSTIFICATION OF QUESTIONSProvide a brief commentary explaining your choice of questions. In this section, you can explain the grouping of questions, why you think a particular question is important, how you think the question will make participants feel or interact with one another, etc. This section will not be graded independently but will be used to help with the grading of section 3.

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