
News Event of Cultural Impact in South America Please help with the following: Develop a 700-1,000-w

News Event of Cultural Impact in South America Please help with the following: Develop a 700-1,000-w

News Event of Cultural Impact in South America Please help with the following:

Develop a 700-1,000-word paper that summarizes a recent
event that occurred in the Middle or South American realm and that you can
relate to geography (ie, physical, cultural, political, economic) Please
Note: The event MUST have occurred during the past 39 days and must not be
ongoing (ie, global warming) or recurring (ie, a routine status report)
The news article also must have been published during the past 39 days

Begin the paper with an introduction that includes a thesis
statement and previews the major points of the paper Summarize the event in
one to two paragraphs, citing appropriate sources in APA format Include the
cited sources in the references, also in APA format

Submissions should demonstrate critical thinking and the
ability to pull together information from a variety of sources A simple
restatement of information from the textbook, news article, blog, a general
opinion, or only a summary of the news report will earn very few points

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