
project plan 12 – Custom Nursing Help

project plan 12 – Custom Nursing Help

As the final step to your proposed database, submit your Project Plan. This document should communicate how you intend to complete the project. Include timelines and resources required.

Be sure to include:
a. Analysis – how will you determine the needs of the database
b. Design – what process will you use to design the database (tables, forms, queries, reports)
c. Prototype/End user feedback – Will you show users a prototype before building the system?
d. Coding – what process will you use to build the database?
e. Testing – How will you test it?
f. User Acceptance – describe the final step of determining if you met the user’s needs?
g. Training – what is the plan for training end users?
h. Project close out – what steps will you take to finalize the project?


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