Proposal 1-2 pages (on any “problem” of interest to you–whether profitable or charitable). Follow the headings shared in the sample proposal emailed to you. Key Questions every proposal should answer include:
1. What’s the Problem?
[Demonstrate the gravity of the problem via relevant statistics and a pilot survey–both of which help establish your credibility]
2. What’s your proposed solution?: How will it Look (Project Design)
[In this section, provide a visual and also answer these related Qs: What’s my competition? What makes the proposed solution unique? Feel free to share more than one visual]
3. What are the goals/objectives?: Why?
4. Who is the solution/product/service targeted at?
5. Who is the proposing team?: What are the qualifications of the key team members?
[Share each member’s training, relevant experience, and skills via a table and list the minimal qualifications of all unfilled positions]
6. Where will the proposed business or service be located?
[Share a map and/or provide a rationale for the location]
7. When will the proposed business or service be operational?
[In addition to a sentence or two , share a table of Timelines & Milestones (i.e., chart deliverables at every step or Phase]
8. How much will it cost?: Proposed Budget
[In addition to a sentence or two , share a table with “Items” and estimated cost (include number of units, price per unit, and price source e.g., HP 200 Printer, priced at $122.55 on Amazon]
The post proposal-1-2-pages-on-any-quot-problem-quot-of-interest-to-you-whether-profitable-or-charitable first appeared on Term Paper Tutors.