Reply to martha – My perfect tutors
Reply to martha
Conceptual models vs. theories
Conceptual models and nursing theories would say they complement each other; research and based practice are essential to provide the best care possible to our patients and improve healthcare providers’ care delivery. The correlation between both is imperative to understand how to apply them to our daily practice.
Various conceptual and formal representations of facilitation across levels are seen as the most exciting area for further modelâ€driven research. In the second part, four organization theories are discussed, all seen as specific interpretations of the rationality paradigm. A conceptual model is abstract and exceptional based; its root is a scientific concept.
In contrast, a nursing theory is developed from defined concepts and aims to offer a logical explanation, interpretation, or description of a topic. Theories are used to describe, explain, outline, detail, or even predict a situation or scenario (Premkumar et al., 2017).
As a nurse in practice, it is of great value the knowledge I am cultivating during the program, connecting the dots while connecting the scientific concept with the nursing theories and being able to adapt them in some cases but, in others having the freedom to have my on nursing theory due to the uniqueness of the specific population, I work with, very grateful for it
References (Links to an external site.)
Premkumar, B., David, S., & Ravindran, V. (2017). Conceptual models and theories: Developing a research framework. Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 18(1).