
Sociology Marx, Weber, Durkheim Questions – EASY

Sociology Marx, Weber, Durkheim Questions – EASY

I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance.

24 Questions (1-3 sentences each )

  1. Briefly describe “the problem of social order.” By this, I do not mean how the theoristsanswer the question, but I want you to explain the question itself. (1-3 sentences)
  2. Briefly explain, using Lord of the Flies, the “dual nature” of social order. (1-3 sentences)
  3. What is modernity? In your answer, list and explain the four characteristics of modernity.(5 sentences—definition plus four characteristics)
  4. Briefly explain how Marx, Weber, and Durkheim all answer the question of social order.(3 sentences)
  5. Briefly explain what Marx, Weber, and Durkheim each wrote about the division of laborin modern society. (3 sentences)
  6. What is alienation? List and explain each of the four types. (5 sentences)
  7. Why, for Marx, would raising wages not help alienation? (1-2 sentences)
  8. For Marx, what is the cause of alienation? What then, according to Marx, is the solution?(1-2 sentences)
  9. What does it mean to say that Marx offers us a “materialist conception of history” or“historical materialism?” (1-3 sentences)
  10. Explain: (1-3 sentences)
  11. Marx predicts that the eventual collapse of capitalism will occur because the socialrelations of production will become a “fetter” to the continued development of the meansof production. What does this mean? (1-3 sentences
  12. In class, we watched a clip from the children’s movie, “A Bug’s Life” and discussed the Marxist nature of the movie. What makes this movie “Marxist”? (1-3 sentences)
  1. What, for Weber, is the connection between rationalization and disenchantment? (1-3 sentences)
  2. Explain how Marx and Weber are similar. In other words, how do they agree? (1-4 sentences)
  1. Weber disagreed with Marx in three important ways: 1. regarding the future evolution ofsociety; 2. regarding the role of ideas; 3. regarding the source of society’s problems. Explain each. (3 sentences)
  2. What does Weber argue is the connection between Protestantism and Capitalism? (1-3 sentences)
  3. What, for Weber, is social class? How is that different from how Marx defined classes? (1-3 sentences)
  4. When describing the ideal typical bureaucracy, Weber identifies several features of bureaucracies. We discussed four of these features in class. Name and briefly explain two. (2 sentences)
  5. It is clear that Weber understands why bureaucracies are necessary in modern society, but what are the negative implications of bureaucracy? (1-3 sentences)
  6. How is Benjamin’s piece “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” Weberian? In other words, what about the piece reminds you of Weber’s work? (1-3 sentences)
  7. Durkheim argues that crime is a “social fact.” Why? (1-2 sentences)
  8. Why does Durkheim argue that suicide is a social—rather than psychological—problem?(1-2 sentences)
  9. Compare and contrast egoistic and anomic suicide. (1-2 sentences)
  10. What does Bellah mean by “civil religion?” How is Robert Bellah’s piece“Durkheimian?” (1-3 sentences)
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