Sociology Marx, Weber, Durkheim Questions – EASY
I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance.
24 Questions (1-3 sentences each )
- Briefly describe “the problem of social order.” By this, I do not mean how the theoristsanswer the question, but I want you to explain the question itself. (1-3 sentences)
- Briefly explain, using Lord of the Flies, the “dual nature” of social order. (1-3 sentences)
- What is modernity? In your answer, list and explain the four characteristics of modernity.(5 sentences—definition plus four characteristics)
- Briefly explain how Marx, Weber, and Durkheim all answer the question of social order.(3 sentences)
- Briefly explain what Marx, Weber, and Durkheim each wrote about the division of laborin modern society. (3 sentences)
- What is alienation? List and explain each of the four types. (5 sentences)
- Why, for Marx, would raising wages not help alienation? (1-2 sentences)
- For Marx, what is the cause of alienation? What then, according to Marx, is the solution?(1-2 sentences)
- What does it mean to say that Marx offers us a “materialist conception of history” or“historical materialism?” (1-3 sentences)
- Explain: (1-3 sentences)
- Marx predicts that the eventual collapse of capitalism will occur because the socialrelations of production will become a “fetter” to the continued development of the meansof production. What does this mean? (1-3 sentences
- In class, we watched a clip from the children’s movie, “A Bug’s Life” and discussed the Marxist nature of the movie. What makes this movie “Marxist”? (1-3 sentences)
- What, for Weber, is the connection between rationalization and disenchantment? (1-3 sentences)
- Explain how Marx and Weber are similar. In other words, how do they agree? (1-4 sentences)
- Weber disagreed with Marx in three important ways: 1. regarding the future evolution ofsociety; 2. regarding the role of ideas; 3. regarding the source of society’s problems. Explain each. (3 sentences)
- What does Weber argue is the connection between Protestantism and Capitalism? (1-3 sentences)
- What, for Weber, is social class? How is that different from how Marx defined classes? (1-3 sentences)
- When describing the ideal typical bureaucracy, Weber identifies several features of bureaucracies. We discussed four of these features in class. Name and briefly explain two. (2 sentences)
- It is clear that Weber understands why bureaucracies are necessary in modern society, but what are the negative implications of bureaucracy? (1-3 sentences)
- How is Benjamin’s piece “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” Weberian? In other words, what about the piece reminds you of Weber’s work? (1-3 sentences)
- Durkheim argues that crime is a “social fact.” Why? (1-2 sentences)
- Why does Durkheim argue that suicide is a social—rather than psychological—problem?(1-2 sentences)
- Compare and contrast egoistic and anomic suicide. (1-2 sentences)
- What does Bellah mean by “civil religion?” How is Robert Bellah’s piece“Durkheimian?” (1-3 sentences)