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Southwest University St Jessica’s Urban Medical Center Case Study Discussion

Southwest University St Jessica’s Urban Medical Center Case Study Discussion

Case Study: St. Jessica’s Urban Medical Center

Please write 750 words per question with 4 scholarly references

Based on your performance in helping the Board of Directors at St. Jessica’s Urban Medical Center establish a performance measurement approach, the Board has asked you to stay on as a consultant to help them implement its new performance management program. You understand that this is not the first time that St. Jessica’s Urban Medical Center has attempted to implement a performance management program. From your conversations with various managers and employees, you have heard that many people expect this program to be a dismal failure, just as past programs have been. The root of the problem was that those past programs were unfair. You have a sense that employees at various levels had no idea what the goals of the program were, and you have an uneasy feeling that, unless a number of activities precede implementation of the new program, it is destined for failure?

1. Describe in detail the major systems that must be in place before the program can be effectively implemented. Use scholarly to support your position.

2. After implementation of the PM system what robust measurement tools will you use to establish the PM system is working as intended. Why is this important? Please use scholarly sources to support your position.


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