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Southwestern College 11 Torts Discussion

Southwestern College 11 Torts Discussion

Prior to the Communist revolution in Cuba, your company owned beachfront property on the Peninsula de Hicacos in Varadero, Cuba. On or about January 1, 1959, in conjunction with Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution, the Cuban government expropriated the property without paying your business. In 1997, Club Mediterranee, S.A., and Club Mediterranee Group (Club Med) entered into a joint venture with the Cuban government to develop the property. Club Med constructed and operated a five-star luxury hotel on the property that your company had owned. Your company sues Club Med in a U.S. District Court located in the state of Florida arguing that the original expropriation of its property by the Cuban government was illegal and that Club Med had trespassed on its property and had been unduly enriched by its joint venture with the Cuban government to operate a hotel on their expropriated property. Your company sought to recover the millions of dollars in profits earned by Club Med from its alleged wrongful occupation and use of its expropriated property. How should the U.S. District Court rule? Explain.


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