
Using the framework presented in chapter four, draft a sample issue-specific security policy for an organization.

Using the framework presented in chapter four, draft a sample issue-specific security policy for an organization.

Using the framework presented in chapter four, draft a sample issue-specific security policy for an organization. At the beginning of your document, describe the organization for which you are creating the policy, and then complete the policy using the framework. In order to complete this assignment please follow these guidelines: 
The paper must be Word document file type..
Paper must include a cover page that includes necessary information identifying lesson number, research title, date, your full name, etc..
Embed charts and/or tables within the paper as needed..
The paper must be at least 500 words in length (not including cover or reference page)..
Paper must be in APA format…
Paper must be your own unique composition; do not copy/paste other’s work without appropriate citation.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students who plagiarize can receive an “F” for the assignment, an “F” for the course, or expulsion from the program depending on the severity of the violation..
Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected. 
In this lesson, we defined information security policy and delineated its central role for a successful information security program. We discussed the three major types of information security policy and explained what goes into each type. We address how to develop, implement, and maintain the various types of information security policies for an organization

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