
wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult

wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult

original question my answer:

Discussion Question

Develop a wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult you identified, using resources available in your community. Discuss how this approach will prove an optimum level of well-being.

A Wellness Program for the Elderly

Target Population: The target population for this wellness program will be the elderly people like —– who suffer from arthritis and do not have the right health management resources at their disposal.

The unmet needs of the population: After having a conversation with —-, so many things surfaced. For example, he told me that the medical staffs do not give patients like him the needed medical care, meaning that there is a big gap in healthcare. He also extended a lot of gratitude to his caretaker saying that were it not for her, his condition would have been far much worse. While this was true, I also felt that — is not given the care that is required since he constantly complains of severe joint pains and has difficulties doing the daily tasks such as standing up on his own and bathing himself. He is just a representation of thousands of other elder patients like him who have absolutely no one to take care of them and are uninsured.

Holistic interventions to address the identified needs: The following are the strategies that will be included in the program. First and foremost, professionals will be hired to engage such elderly persons with exercises such as aerobics, range of motion exercises strengthening and enduring exercises (Mok, 2018). In the program, the patients will be taught on the best ways to manage their pain given that arthritis is a life-long condition that can only be managed using the right treatments and protocols (Roedl, Wilson & Fine, 2016). Furthermore, I would engage doctors in the program so that they can be able to get a first-hand glance of the problem on the ground.

Implementation of the program: The proposed program will be developed in phases. The first phase will be the trial phase and if all goes well, full implementation will follow. This initiative is targeted at helping both organizations and elderly patients into their journey towards living a life with arthritis.

professor question to my answer:

What barriers might you expect that slow down complete implementation of the process?


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