What is your classmate presenting as his/her main idea/purpose?
So the discussion board consists of two parts. First part is analyzing a video, the second is writing an opinion about other classmate’s analysis on video. Each part has nine questions, and each part should be at least 900 words. So, 1800 words in total minimum.
1) Log on to http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/view/ which is the website for PBS Frontline. You will need JAVA and/or Flash Player in order to stream the video from your computer.
2) If the above link is broken then google PBS Frontline Archives. Click on the link and there you will find the list of videos available to view. Type in the title of the video in the search box or scroll through the videos to find it.
3) Select and view the video listed below.
4) Answer the questions found in the template below. You must type the questions and answers in the forum. Please note I will not accept any analyses that are submitted as attachments. Make sure you post your response in the forum.
5) Remember you are required to read and provide brief critical reactions to at least one of your classmate’s analysis.
6) Once you post your analysis in the forum and respond to your classmate(s), you are done with this assignment.
Title – Trump’s Road to the White House – January 24, 2017
Template for Analyzing the Video
1) State as accurately as possible the video’s purpose for presenting this information. Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
2) What is the video attempting to convey and from what perspective is it presenting the information? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
3) What key question can you develop from the content presented in the article? Provide your question and then your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
4) What are the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the video’s line of reasoning? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
5) What is the video failing to address (what might be questioned)? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
6) What consequences are likely to follow if people take the video’s line of reasoning seriously? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
7) What consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the video’s reasoning? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
8) Identify the key conclusions the video comes to and presents? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
9) What facts, experiences, or data is the video using to support its conclusions? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
The questions below are to be used as the framework for responding to at least one of your classmate’s posting. That is, select a posting you wish to respond to then evaluate the work and answer the following questions. Be sure to address the questions to your classmate and make it relevant to his/her work. You are required to provide a minimum of (5) five sentences for each question (#1 – #8) posted below and to respond to at least to one of your classmates. Let’s have some fun with this while providing critical and relevant policy discussions and remember to respect all viewpoints.
1) What is your classmate presenting as his/her main idea/purpose? Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
2) What question is your classmate attempting to answer? Provide at least 4 alternate questions for the author.
3) What information does your classmate provide as a basis for arriving at his/her own conclusion? Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
4) What are the main conclusions or inferences made by your classmate? Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
5) What are the main ideas that guide your classmate’s thinking? Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
6) What does your classmate take for granted? Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
7) What is your classmate’s perspective and how is s/he seeing it? Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
8) If your classmate is correct (or insightful), what are some implications we should recognize? Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
(source: The Thinker’s Guide to The Art of Asking Essential Questions by 2010 by Dr. Linda Elder and Dr. Richard Paul)
HERE IS CLASSMATE’S ANALYSIS: “1.State as accurately as possible the video’s purpose for presenting this information. Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences. This videos purpose was to inform us on how Trump won the Presidential election. How most thought Trump would lose major states but somehow still won. Trumps supporters supported him through the beginning but after his election most realized thats not who they should have voted for. But ones who had voted for him were all up for Trump to take the Presidential election. Overall the video shows us how he controlled the election by keeping his competitors under him.
2.What is the video attempting to convey and from what perspective is it presenting the information? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences. The video is attempting to inform Trumps power he had in the election and how he attacked anyone and anything that would get in his way. He was very dark with the way he would handle negative comments about him, and didnt care what he would say he would just say it without a thought. And thats why I think people voted for him mostly. He was confident when he spoke thats what the people like. The information was presented was given to us by his own party leaders and authors and reporters from what they witnessed and what they know about the Donald.
3. What key question can you develop from the content presented in the article? Provide your question and then your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences. “Why Donald Trump for President?”
Even though he was being racist, very unprofessional for a presidential candidate why choose Trump? His own party thought he failed after some things Trump would do! The groups that were pro Trump knew how to make some noise and really stand by their leaders side regardless of what he would say and on off television.